Federal Programs

Greetings from the Office of Federal Programs! At Wilkinson County School District, we are committed to providing equitable opportunities that support the academic success of every student. Through federal initiatives and grants, we strive to enhance educational experiences, promote inclusive learning environments, and foster a community where every child can thrive.
Please explore this section to learn more about the various federal programs and resources available to our students and families. We encourage your active participation and feedback as we work together to ensure excellence in education.
Thank you for visiting, and we look forward to partnering with you in nurturing the bright futures of our students.
Warm regards,
Carmella C. Scott
Federal Programs Director
Wilkinson County School District
Mission Statement
The mission of the Office of Federal Programs is to provide support to the Wilkinson Co. School District in improving the academic success of students and in enhancing the professional growth of the staff.
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides funding to state educational agencies to meet the academic needs of eligible students residing within the state. The Mississippi Department of Education is the recipient of most ESEA funds allocated to the State. The WCSD is a sub-recipient of three grants funded through ESEA--Title I, Title II and Title VI. These funds are managed through the Office of Federal Programs.
The Office of Federal Programs primary responsibilities are to:
- Serve as liaison between the district and the Mississippi Department of Education,
- Assist the district and schools with interpreting and carrying forth provisions of federal regulations,
- Monitor procedures utilized in conducting annual needs assessments and planning and implementing programs designed for school improvement,
- Provide assistance in developing and implementing the school’s federal programs, and
- Provide guidance in fiscal management.
Title I
Title I is the largest federal funding source to local educational agencies under ESEA. It is designed to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic standards and state academic assessments. The Title I mission is to ensure that each child successfully meets or exceeds Mississippi's proficient and advanced levels of student performance and meets or exceeds expectations on local, state, and national assessments.
Title I funds in WCSD provide:
- Paraprofessionals/Intervention Assistants
- Opportunities for professional development for school staff
- Classroom materials and programs
- Supplement all programs for English Language Learners
Title II
Title II funds are used to increase the academic achievement of students by improving the quality of the overall educational staff by providing districtwide, school-based and individual professional development.
Title II funds in WCSD provide:
- Professional development for staff
- Instructional Leadership coaches
- Materials for professional development
Title IV
The Title IV provides financial assistance to rural districts to assist them in meeting their state's definition of annual measurable objectives. Under the RLIS program, the US Department of Education awards funds by formula to SEAs, which in turn make sub-grants to LEAs.
Title IV funds in WCSD are used to provide:
- Dual Enrollment Course for Juniors/Seniors
- Supplemental classroom materials and programs
- Opportunities to update classroom technology through the purchase of computers, iPads, and Smartboards
Title V
The Title V is designed to address the unique needs of small, rural local education agencies (LEAs) that frequently lack the personnel and resources needed to compete effectively for Federal competitive grants and receive formula grant allocations under other programs in amounts too small to be effective in meeting their intended purposes.
Title V funds in WCSD are used to provide:
~during the day tutoring for all students
~additional professional development for faculty/staff
Parent Surveys (2024-2025)

Federal Programs Director
Federal Programs Assistant/Homeless Liaison
Fixed Assest Clerk